
2023年2月15日—YouTubePinkisoneofthem.Themainfunction:Blockallads.Playthevideointhebackground.Differentthemesfortheinterface.PiP(Picture-in-Picture) ...,YouTubePinkApkisafreealternativetoYouTube,butithasplentyofoptionsyoudon'tgetonYouTube.Itallowsyoutowatchvideoswithoutads.,Withtheapp,youcansyncyouraccountwiththemodifiedappandsaveinformationsuchasyourhistory,subscriptions,orwhereyouleftoffwatch...

YouTube Pink APK for Android Download

2023年2月15日 — YouTube Pink is one of them. The main function: Block all ads. Play the video in the background. Different themes for the interface. PiP (Picture-in-Picture) ...

YouTube Pink APK v19.36.36 Download for Android (Latest)

YouTube Pink Apk is a free alternative to YouTube, but it has plenty of options you don't get on YouTube. It allows you to watch videos without ads.

Vanced microG for Android

With the app, you can sync your account with the modified app and save information such as your history, subscriptions, or where you left off watching a video.

Pink YouTube

Download Pink YouTube APK from official source and unlock various premium features of YouTube for free like background Play, video without ads and many more.

Download MicroG APK

2024年4月5日 — MicroG is an open-source project that aims to provide a free and privacy-friendly alternative to the Google Play Services framework on Android devices.

Vanced MicroG APK Download (Official) ...

Install Vanced MicroG APK on your Android device to get account subscriptions, playlists and more. A must-needed app for the Vanced users who uses our services.

Download Vanced Microg APK Latest Version For Free

Vanced Microg APK is a modified version of the YouTube app that offers to sign in to Google account easily. Once you are signed in, you can YouTube Vanced with ...

Vanced microG 0.2.4

This fork tweaks MicroG to be usable by applications that require Google authentication such as Vanced. Notable changes. No longer a system app; Package name ...

microG support patch now removed?? O_o

2023年12月13日 — MicroG patch was renamed to GmsCore. You can still use Vanced MicroG and it's even the default option.

Vanced MicroG APK v0. (Official) Download

Vanced MicroG is a Vanced add-on app which developed by Team Vanced which allow users to sing on YouTube with your Google Account.